February 8, 2019 Newsletter

February 8, 2019

Good Afternoon,

A few bills that have been introduced in Maryland:

SB 280 Fight for 15 – raises the minimum wage to $15/hr

SB 687 would prohibit alcohol and tobacco companies from donating to political campaigns

SB 497 Dispensing and prescribing of tobacco cessation aids

HB1185/SB708 sets standards for the marketing of vapor products. Our proactive approach to ward off flavor bans.

We talked to our lobbyist today and on the dates February 20th and March 6th we will need 3-4 people or more to come to Annapolis for the day to meet with delegates and senators. We will have more info on this at the Monday meeting.

T21 was withdrawn and will be reintroduced, will be explained more at the meeting on Monday.

No vapor tax proposed as of yet and hopefully will not be!

We are working in Baltimore to fight the vaping Ban. The MVA have reached out to the shops in Baltimore with little to no response. If anyone has relationships with these shops please let me know. We want them to be involved in the fight.

Montgomery county has proposed an amendment to their clean indoor air act to include Ecigarettes and to ban vaping outdoors. We currently have no support in Montgomery Co. and that amendment has passed out of committee.

Our next meeting is February 11th at 11am and Perry’s restaurant in Odenton MD. Hope to see you there! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on Facebook or Email.

Thank you!



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